Bernard's passion for sports began when he was a child playing youth sports in his neighborhood. His diverse sports background includes baseball, basketball, football, and track and field. At Jackson State University, Bernard was forced to retire from football due to medical reasons. But his change of luck lead, him to serve as the team's equipment manager where he was able to garner relationships with many professionals in the sports industry. Through these relationships Bernard earned himself an internship with the Dallas Cowboys and later the Jacksonville Jaguars.
After receiving his degree (Recreation Administration minor Physical Education), Bernard took time away from the sports industry to pursue other opportunities. However, he quickly realized where his passion lies and founded Moore & Moore Sports. Later, Bernard obtained his Masters' in Sports Management from Jackson State University while serving as a minister at Zion Travelers MB Church. Bernard is married, father of two blessings and mentors of many more. He also does works with local high school and youth sports in the community while pursuing his Doctoral degree in Sports Leadership.